2024-04-02 19:55 - Minitv Here's the project: run a tv station entirely in kubernetes, with streaming etc. First thing I need to do is set up minikube with argocd # # (and using notes from before) minikube start && kubectl get pods -A # Start minikube and make sure things are running kubectl create namespace argocd # And run the install apply script pacman -S argocd # Install CLI # Expose port for service kubectl get pods -n argocd # (need the argocd bit) check if pods are running yet kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443 # Expose website (holds terminal) # https://localhost:8080 points to ArgoCD # Log in to console argocd admin initial-password -n argocd # Get initial password argocd login localhost:8080 # user=admin pass=(above) - this just logs in your terminal? # Does not put you into any subshell or anything Now I need to add a gitlab repo for minitv: # I've gone in and turned off most of everything but made it public kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=argocd # Change to the argocd namespace kubectl create namespace minitv # Need to be "logged in" to do this argocd app create minitv \ --repo --path minitv \ --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace minitv # Try to run it - it fails - "repository not available" - need to get an access token # "Gitlab sidebar/Settings/Repository/Deploy Tokens" - make new token Going to try this in the web UI instead just to test it Okay I needed "project name" to be "default" - now it's saying it's an empty repo Cloned repo locally and added a README - now saying subdirectory does not exist Need to compare to a working version someone else has - will do later