2024-01-22 13:30 - Google Sheets So I've done a lot of google sheets work in the past and I just need a place to dump info First of all, in sheets "A3:A" means "all of column A from A3" Most of what I do uses array formula so something only has to be written once ###################################### TIME ###################################### ##################################### ## Want to default a column as the current time? ##################################### # B=start-time, C=end-time ={"Clock OUT_"; MAP( $B$2:$B, $C$2:$C, LAMBDA( a, b, IFS( a="", "" , # If start time is empty, end time is empty b="", TIMEVALUE(NOW()), # Elif end time is empty, use current time 1=1, b # Else (A and B are non-empty) use value in B )))} # ={"...";} means the first line in an array is "..." - so {a,b,c;d,e,f} makes a 3x2 grid # MAP() can be used instead of ARRAYFORMULA to map array values to functions # MAP>ARRAYFORMULA since the latter has random things not work (like IFS) and = compare # But MAP only works if all the arrays passed have the same dimensions # LAMBDA(a,b,...) lets you write an arbitrary function - useful for complex problems # 1=1 is a good "else" statement for IFS as IFS is just condition-value pairs ##################################### ## Want to find the TIME difference between 2 timestamps? Need some conditions ##################################### # B=start-time, D=end-time ={"Duration"; MAP( $B$2:$B, $D$2:$D, LAMBDA( a, b, IFS( b="", "", b<=a, ABS(a-b-1), 1=1, b-a )))} # The case where end<=start is like 10pm->2am (22:00->02:00) # Do ABS(22:00 - 02:00 - 24:00) = ABS(-4:00) = 4:00 ##################################### ## Want to extract the start/end times of a list of times associated to a list of dates? ##################################### # Timesheet A=dates, B=start-times, D=end-times ={"Start"; ARRAYFORMULA( XLOOKUP( UNIQUE($A3:$A), # Extract from a list of dates the unique values Timesheet!A2:A, # Find which row each date is in Timesheet!B2:B, # Where the dates match, find the associated time "",,1 # Sort in start-end (use -1 to sort reverse for finding end-times) ))} # So A2:A is a list of dates - you clock in (B2:B) and out (D2:D) # XLOOKUP (with ARRAYFORMULA) scans the date list for items matching A3:A # A3:A is wrapped in "unique" just so I don't have to scan empty values # If XLOOKUP finds a match it grabs the associated start/end time (Timesheet!B2:B or D2:D) ##################################### ## How can you sum all the individual start-end times to find the active time? ##################################### ={"Active"; ARRAYFORMULA( SUMIF( # Essentially this is a loop, summing dates (in Y) which equal a given value (X) Timesheet!$A2:$A, # Get all the rows and index them by date (list out Y) FILTER( # Loop through local list of dates (set X for each loop) $A3:$A, $A3:$A<>"" # Show only non-"" items ), Timesheet!$E2:$E # For rows that match, return the "active time" column ) # So makes an array SUM(date=A); SUM(date=B), SUM(date=C), ... )} ##################################### STRINGS ##################################### ##################################### ## Want to check if a substring exists in an array of text? ##################################### ={"Ex"; ARRAYFORMULA( REGEXMATCH( $G$2:$G, # For each item in this array, test this regex "^.*(?i)Exercise.*" # Checks if string contains "Exercise" (case insensitive) ))} # Returns an array of TRUE/FALSE - can add checkboxes for a clear view ##################################### ## What if you want to see a summary of if a given day has a condition met? ##################################### # First use that substring command and have a column for "this time range met this condition" # Then scan through that column and filter for a specific date ={"Ex"; ARRAYFORMULA( COUNTIF( INDEX( FILTER( # Returns an array of rows where the value in column H is true Timesheet!$A:$I, Timesheet!H:H=TRUE ),,1), # Get the first column of this array $A$3:$A # Count how many items in that column match this local list of dates )>0 # TRUE if it's more than 0 (so there is a row for this date where condition is met) )} # So this has set Timesheet!H as the column where this condition is listed # We filter for rows where the condition is met and use INDEX to extract the first column # Then simply COUNTIF that condition has been met for a given list of dates # If that count is more than 0, this condition has been met ##################################### CALCULATION ##################################### ##################################### ## How can you calculate a rolling average in an array formula? ##################################### ={"Roll Avg"; TRANSPOSE( # Because it outputs horizontally, rotate it MAKEARRAY( 1, COUNTA($E$3:$E), # Make an array 1xN where N=size of this list of timestamps LAMBDA( # For each value in that array, do this calculation x, y, AVERAGE( # Get the average of whatever array is inside INDIRECT( # Construct an array address and return what is in that array ADDRESS(2+y,5)& # Sets the start position (e.g. y=2 then address=4,5=D5) ":"& ADDRESS(2+$F$1+y,5) # Sets the end position (using F1=length) )))))} # So this just generates a list of arrays to make rolling averages of and the prints them ##################################### ## How can you conditionally sum an array of values? ##################################### # H->L = "Energy fat carbs fibre protein", M=count # So this is taking a grid of foods and their nutrients and summing based on consumption count ={"Current", BYCOL( # Loop through this array by column $H$6:$L, LAMBDA( colx, ARRAYFORMULA( SUM( # Add all values in the column together (get summary of, say, protein count) IF( $M$6:$M>0, # Check if this condition is met $M$6:$M*colx, # If condition met, multiply each item in column by the count 0 # If condition not met, ignore )))))} ##################################### ## How can you look up info about an array of items and conditionally combine them ##################################### # There is a grid of meals ("ingredient+mass") and a table of "ingredients-nutrients" # This command combines those and returns a summary of nutrients for a given meal # The challenge is doing this in a single array command, for an arbitrary size of either grid =MAP( {1,2,3,4,5}, # 5 nutrients so loop through each nutrient LAMBDA( nutrient, BYROW( # Loop through rows (each row is a separate meal) ARRAYFORMULA( # Loop for each item in the row (each item is a separate ingredient) IFERROR( # If can't lookup ingredient, value=0 XLOOKUP( CHOOSECOLS($C3:$L,1,3,5,7,9), # Extract every odd column (ingredients) Nutrition!$A$27:$A, # Reference to list of all ingredients CHOOSECOLS(Nutrition!B$27:X,nutrient) # Return nutrition for that ingredient ), 0)* CHOOSECOLS($C3:$L,2,4,6,8,10)/100), # Multiply this by the mass used in the meal LAMBDA( xrow, SUM(xrow) # Sum each ingredient's nutrient contents )))) # This is a very complex command, which conceptually runs backwards with many layers to it # But that's the nature of using arrays like this
2024-03-29 00:27 - Google Sheets Another key note is that the formatting of a string can affect how it is sorted/processed Be careful if you have a list of values with numbers and strings, even with the same values You need to format the columns to make them work the same Also "TO_TEXT" stops FALSE and TRUE from working within checkboxes This is because checkboxes use =TRUE and =FALSE variables, instead of strings ###################################### How can I convert an N dimensional hierarchy into 2d rows and columns? ###################################### # Column G = values like "1", "3 1 1" and "3 1" (e.g. "3 1 2" = Task 3 part 1b) # We have 3 result columns: Task N part Nn -> TaskN - TaskN-N - TaskN-Nn ##################################### ## Extract the column position ##################################### # We want to preserve space so a subtask uses the same line as its parent, if possible =MAP($G$3:$G$1000, LAMBDA(val, # Loop through hierarchy vals ("3 1 1") as "val" LAMBDA(val_parent,val_len,IFS( val="","", # Ignore empty values LEN(val)=1,0, # If length of hierarchy is 1 (e.g. "task 1") then set position=0 COUNTIF( $G$3:$G$1000,val_parent)=0, # Check if parent ID ("3 1") exists val_len-1, # If it does not exist, set position lower (avoids some unparented items) 1=1,val_len)) # For anything else, use the calculated column position from num of spaces (LEFT(val, FIND(" ", val, LEN(val)-1)), # val_parent = "3 1 1"->"3 1" LEN(val)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(val," ","")) # val_len = len(3 1 1)-len(311) = num of spaces ))) # The key feature of this is passing functions into LAMBDA to clean up some calculations # That and using MAP to iterate through lines in an array - could equally use "BY_ROW" # This outputs an array like "0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2" - ordered and staircase-like ##################################### ## Extract the row position ##################################### # This was harder to do - need to sort the list of tasks then cumulatively find the positions # Column K = extracted column positions =ARRAYFORMULA(SCAN(0, # SCAN takes an array and gives cumulative results of a calculation IF( $K$3:$K$1000<>"", # Ignore empty items (if values not equal to "") $K$2:$K$1000>=$K$3:$K$1000,""), # Output an array of TRUE/FALSE if values are increasing LAMBDA(cum,val, IFS( val,cum+1, # If TRUE, output incremented value val="","", # If empty, output nothing 1=1,cum # Anything else (FALSE), output (unchanged) cumulative value )))) # So you get a position that increases only if the column value stays the same or goes down # Column input ".. 0 1 1 2 0" gives output "1 1 2 2 3" # This allows you to preserve space while moving down whenever necessary # Also requires that the input data is fully sorted - or things become inefficient/unsorted ##################################### ## Convert row-col values into coordinates ##################################### =ARRAYFORMULA(MAP( $K$3:$K$1000, # K = "COLS" (column positions) $L$3:$L$1000, # L = "ROWS" (row positions) LAMBDA(cols,rows, IF(cols<>"", # Ignore empty data (where no column position given) ((cols*2)+1)&","&((rows*3)-2) # Do linear operations to stretch coords ,"") ))) # This one is fairly simple compared to the rest - just extracts rows from arrays # Also uses DATA&" "&DATA to output variables as strings ##################################### ## Generate a table using this coordinates and a set of data ##################################### # This is a bit messy but works enough for the use case. Here is the table: # |STATUS TITLE|STATUS TITLE|STATUS TITLE| # |ID DESC |ID DESC |ID DESC | # |- DATE |- DATE |- DATE | # |------------|------------|------------| # |STATUS|TITLE|STATUS|TITLE|STATUS|TITLE| # ... (REPEATS for further items) # So you have a 100x6 (ROWxCOL) column grid (which is made of Nx3 2x3 grids) # This makes translating to and from the grids somewhat awkward # The idea is generate a grid and then lookup based on positions backwards to find the data # These grid coordinates line up with the ones generated before as "COL,ROW" =MAKEARRAY(100,6, LAMBDA(row,col, # Make an array of 100 rows and 6 columns LAMBDA(coords,state,id,task,desc,deadline, # Save values as convenient variables IFERROR(XLOOKUP(col&","&row,coords,state), # 0x0 -> lookup "state" TRUE/FALSE # You do "row-1" as you're comparing the current position to a reference coordinate # That reference coordinate is the "state" value - in the top left IFERROR(XLOOKUP(col&","&row-1,coords,id), # 1x0 -> "coords" (reference coordinate) IFERROR(XLOOKUP(col-1&","&row,coords,task), # 0x1 -> "task" (title of task) IFERROR(XLOOKUP(col-1&","&row-1,coords,desc), # 1x1 -> "desc" (description of task) IFERROR(TEXT( XLOOKUP(col-1&","&row-2,coords,deadline), # 2x1 -> "deadline" (date of task) "YYYY-MM-DD"), # Set format explicitly to avoid any further issues IF(COUNTIF(coords,col&","&row-2)>0,"-","") # 2x0 -> just empty (but needs a value) )))))) # Save array ranges as variables - e.g. "M3:M1000" is "coords" - corresponds to LAMBDA func ($M$3:$M$1000,$F$3:$F$1000,$G$3:$G$1000,$H$3:$H$1000,$I$3:$I$1000,$J$3:$J$1000))) # This is independent of the data order but requires no values have the same coordinates # I would assume if they do you would just get the first item (depending on XLOOKUP defaults) ##################################### ## Extract the data table back from the formatted table ##################################### # This is somewhat easier than it sounds as extracting data just requires it is consistent # You extract the STATUS-ID bit and the TITLE-DESC bit seperately then recombine # Everything must be filtered somewhat the same for it to line up right ={ # Create an array (combine arrays together in 1 command) CHOOSECOLS( WRAPROWS(VSTACK( # Stack these columns onto each other and then wrap it into a table FILTER($T$2:$T1000,$T$2:$T1000<>""), # Get sub-grid 1 but only non-empty items FILTER($V$2:$V1000,$V$2:$V1000<>""), FILTER($X$2:$X1000,$X$2:$X1000<>"")), 3), # Set it to wrap at every 3rd item (as there are 3 sub-grids) 1,2), # Get only columns 1 and 2 - ignore the "-" item - gives you "STATUS ID" table WRAPROWS(VSTACK( # Similarly stack columns and wrap into a table FILTER($U$2:$U1000,$U$2:$U1000<>""), FILTER($W$2:$W1000,$W$2:$W1000<>""), FILTER($Y$2:$Y1000,$Y$2:$Y1000<>"")), 3) # Wrap on every 3rd - gives "TITLE DESC DATE" } # As you've treated this as 1 array it gives a table: "STATUS ID TITLE DESC DATE" ###################################### How can I generate a sequence of tasks using just 1 cell to describe the data structure? ###################################### # For the sake of simplicity I combined 2 formulas into 1 - to run arbitrarily # This all works using a single array formula - which means it can lag rather a bit ##################################### ## Generate a 3d set of sequences ##################################### # "seq:French (duo) S2:5:3 3 3 4 3 3" = sequence starting with "French (duo) S2" # This sequence goes from S2-5 (1,2,end) to S2-8 (1,2,3,end) S2-10 (1,2,end) # So you need to generate an array for each unit sized based on how many sections it has =IF(INDEX(SPLIT(A$2,":"),1,1)="seq", # If text between start and 1st : is "seq" then ... TOCOL(LAMBDA(inp, MAP( # Pass in arrays as variables SEQUENCE( # inpPos = sequence of A->B ("5:5 3 3 3" = 4 items from 5 = 5->9) LEN(inp),1, # Generate an array of N rows, 1 column INDEX(SPLIT(A$2,":"),1,3)), # Get the starting position (e.g. "5") # SEQUENCE is just a very specific kind of MAKEARRAY # I can't tell why I've done it this way - may be requirements on the length of arrays MAKEARRAY( # inpLen = splits "5 3 3 3" into an array of 5,3,3,3 LEN(inp), 1, LAMBDA(a, b, INDEX(SPLIT(inp," "),1,a))), # Splits string by spaces LAMBDA(inpPos, inpLen, # Pass in these arrays as arguments MAKEARRAY(1, inpLen, LAMBDA(x,y, INDEX( # For each 5,3,3,3 pass in array 1->5, 1->3 etc. # Output an array of strings for each of these sequences SPLIT(A$2,":"),1,2)&"-"&inpPos&" "& # Output "French (duo) S2-N " (with N=1, N=2 ...) IF(y-inpLen=0,"end","pt "&y) # Output "pt 1", "pt 2" etc. till final value "end" # When y=inpLen the current item (e.g. "S2-N1 pt 4") is the last one ))))) (INDEX(SPLIT(A$2,":"),1,4)) # Pass in data array "5 3 3 3" as "inp" ,3), # Convert result to a single columns with TOCOL - ignore whitespace and errors (3) ##################################### ## Use a single cell of data to generate lists of progress tasks ##################################### # "-seqloop:Intuition Pumps,s,11,1:Money Machine,p,200,50:Random Walks,s,15,1" # Now instead of generating sequences you loop through arbitrary items in a single cell # This sequence gives a list like "Intuition Pumps s1->s11" but for arbitrary list of books IF(INDEX(SPLIT(A$2,":"),1,1)="seqloop", # If text similarly starts with "seqloop" TOCOL( BYROW( # Iterate by row in a table (but first generate the table) MAKEARRAY( # A,a,a,a:B,b,b,b -> (A,a,a,a),(B,b,b,b) as table ("TITLE TYPE LEN STEP") LEN(A$2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A$2,":","")),1, # Get number of items in the list LAMBDA(pos,y,INDEX(SPLIT(A$2,":"),1,pos+1))), # Generate a 2d array of items by colons LAMBDA(book, # Loop through each book (row in the table) LAMBDA(title,type,end,step, ARRAYFORMULA( # For each book outputs "title: p1", "title: p2" etc. title&": "&type& # Output "title: p" (as in title page1) SEQUENCE(1,end/step,step,step) # Output sequence with steps (e.g. 50,100,150 etc.) )) (INDEX(SPLIT(book,","),1,1), # Separate variables by commas - pass each into lambda INDEX(SPLIT(book,","),1,2), INDEX(SPLIT(book,","),1,3), INDEX(SPLIT(book,","),1,4)) )),3) # Join into 1 columns and ignore whitespace/errors , "")) # For anything else (not "seq" or "seqloop"), ignore