2023-04-13 00:00 - How to Set up GPG and pass (This was written in an old style, with markdown formatting) ###################################### GPG Keys ###################################### Generate gpg keys and a reference ID (used to find the key) Also outputs a hex image that can be used to identify gpg --expert --full-gen-key # Select "9,1" for most secure # Select expiration - 2y might be best # Set user details: Generates reference ID as "full name <email address>" # Set passphrase for private key - this is a password to use the key, for more protection Show all the keys (and more importantly the IDs) of stored gpg entries gpg --list-keys Export public/private keys using the reference ID # Export public key (for verifying and encrypting data) gpg --armor --export ID > pub.key # Export private key (for signing and decrypting data) gpg --armor --export-secret-keys ID > priv.key These are the default locations for important files $GNUPGHOME # Defaults to ~/.gnupg/ $GNUPGHOME/private-keys-v1.d/ # Contains keys, named by their hex IDs $GNUPGHOME/openpgp-recov.d/ # Contains revocation keys to disable public keys (keep secret) A public key is usually sent to a certificate authority so anyone can read/check it. You can then send the revocation key similarly to remove tihs key from use. When you use a private key is asks for a password and keeps you signed in using `gpg-agent`. gpgconf --kill gpg-agent # This force signs you out, if needed ###################################### Moving GPG Keys ###################################### If you want to publish your keys to `hkps://` certificate authority, do this This sends an email to confirm your key. # Publish your public key, associated with your email gpg --send-keys ID When using other people's keys you likely want to import them locally # Search for a public key using an email or ID gpg --search ID # Import a day (public OR private) gpg --import KEY To disable a public key you export your revocation key and import/publish BOTH # Export key gpg --armor --gen-revoke ID > revoke.key ###################################### Encrypting Files ###################################### Encrypt a file using a public key - to be decrypted by the associated private key This lets you send a file that only a specific person can decrypt. gpg --recipient ID --armor --encrypt FILE # Outputs "FILE.asc" # Can add multiple "--recipient ID" for multiple keypairs/recipients Can encrypt a file with just a password gpg --symmetric FILE gpg -c FILE Decrypt a file, using keys stored in gpg gpg --decrypt FILE.asc > FILE Use your private key to write a signature at the end of a file - proves authenticity # Sign the end of a file gpg --local-user ID --clearsign FILE # Sign AND encrypt a file gpg --local-user ID --sign FILE Verify a file's integrity by checking its hash, signature and public key ID gpg --verify FILE ###################################### Setting up gnupass ###################################### Use a gpg ID to create an encrypted folder `~/.password-store` Each password is a separate gpg encrypted file pass init ID Can add git version control to passwords - with changes encrypted in the same gpg key. Things like `git diff` work by using gpg-agent to decrypt the files pass git init These are the default locations for important files # To have multiple password stores, change this variable to a different folder $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR # Defaults to ~/.password-store/ $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR/.gpg-id # Stores the gpg ID to use for encryption $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR/.git/config # Look at this to see the method of decryption Set the master source of a git repo on some server and use it as a remote password store # Make a simple git repo on some remote server git init --bare # Add a remote origin to your local password store pass git remote add origin ssh://USER@IP:/FOLDER # Manage remote passwords git push git pull ###################################### Using gnupass ###################################### Add a password and give it a label - just prompts for the password pass insert LABEL # e.g. # Can also sort passwords with a folder structure, as these are just files pass insert FOLDER/LABEL # e.g. websites/ There are other ways of adding new passwords # Multiline password - e.g. PASSWORD,URL,USER,SECRET,PIN pass insert -m LABEL # CTRL-D to exit # Generate an N length password with no symbols in it pass generate --no-symbols LABEL N Interact with passwords you've created # List all password labels pass # Retrieve a password pass LABEL pass show LABEL # Copy password to clipboard pass -c LABEL # Edit password pass edit LABEL # Delete password pass rm LABEL
TODO - Look into gpgtar and its benefits - The "moving keys around" part is incomplete/incorrect - What if keys expire? Further Reading - - - - -