########################################################### 2024-01-15 17:42 ########################################################### Powershell Engineer... Learn Powershell in less than 2 hours Powershell is a command line and scripting language built on .NET common language runtime It can do everything command line can do except run batch files # R-CLICK, Properties - can chane font settings etc. $PSVersionTable.PSVersion # Get the powershell version ping # Ping websites, as in CLI cd C:\Scripts # Move directories clear # Clear screen # Need execution policy to be set correctly to run anything Get-ExecutionPolicy # Must be "RemoteSigned" - default to "Restricted" Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted # Can change mode (only possible in admin mode) Open Powershell ISE - a powershell scripting program Commandlets (cmdlets) are "Verb-Noun" formatted (e.g. "Write-Host") # Powershell saves files as .ps1 - save in C:\Scripts - comments also use # Write-Host "Hello World!" # Just prints to console Write-Host "Hello World!" -NoNewLine # Does not end in \n by default Get-Command -CommandTyper Cmdlet # Lists all possible cmdlets Get-Help # Lists all help articles in command shell Get-Help Write-Host -Full # Gives syntax and info for a given command Can use pipes in powershell the same as bash "This is some text" | Out-File outputfile.txt # Saves that text to the file cat outputfile.txt # Shows contents is as expected $FavCharacter = "John" # Set variables with $Item $FavCharacter # Run by iteself to get value $FavCharacter | Out-File outputfile.txt # Output variable directly to a file There are other data types like strings, integers and booleans $FavCharacter.GetType() # Shows it is a string $FavCharacter = 5 # Converts it to a number - no fixed types $FavCharacter = $true # Set to boolean 3+5 # Can do arithmetic inline Everything in powershell is an object - has properties and classification $FavCharacter.Length # Gives length of a string $FavCharacter | Select-Object -Property * # Get all properties of this object Get-Member -InputObject $FavCharacter # Gets all the methods for an object $MyArray = @('Name1', 'Person 2', 'Test') # Create a "System.Array" object with 3 elements $MyArray # Prints out plain list of elements $MyArray[0] # Get first item - exactly as in Python it returns a string object $MyArray += "New item" # Extend array # Can make "Hashtables" (dictionaries) - use {} not () $MyHashtable = @{key1 = "item1"; "key2" = "item2"} # Can use quotes or not for keys $MyHashtable # Prints out a table of key-value pairs $MyHashtable."key2" # Get an element - or use $MyHashtable["key2"] $MyHashtable.Add("key3", "item3") # Similarly .Set_Item to change and .Remove to delete Can also get user input with Read-Host and do standard process controls $FavSystem = Read-Host -Prompt "What is your favourite Nintendo system? " $FavSystem # Outputs the user input value If ($FavSystem -eq 2) { Write-Host "Your option is NES" } # Test variables If (...) { ... } Else { ... } # Can similarly use Elseif If ($FavSystem -qt 3 -or $FavSystem -le 2) { ... } # Do combined checks Switch($FavSystem) { "Someword" { Write-Host "Wow"; break } # Has fall-through unless you break } $People = @("Person1", "Person2", "Person3", "Person4") For($counter=0; $counter -le 3; $counter++) { Write-Host "Item:" $People[$counter] } For($counter=0; $counter -le ($People.Length-1); $counter++) { ... } Foreach($person in $People) { ... } $counter = 0; While($counter -lt 6) { Write-Host $counter++ } # Similarly "Do {} While ()" Now you can define functions and group commands together function Test-SpaceX { param( $PingCount ) Test-Connection -Count $PingCount # Effectively a table/object version of ping } Test-SpaceX -PingCount 10 # Call a function and pass an argument # Can define a more complex version function Test-SpaceX { [CmdletBiding()] # Turns this into an advanced function param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] # Will prompt user for the value if not given [int32]$PingCount # Set typing of variable ) Test-Connection -Count $PingCount # Effectively a table/object version of ping } Can do error handling with exceptions Throw "This is a runtime error" # Throws a basic fatal error Write-Error -Message "This is a runtime error" -ErrorAction Stop # Same as "throw" # Try to run a function, catch the error, print on error and print output try{ ... -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Launch problem" Write-Output $_ } Can use New-Item to make generic files, folders etc. New-Item -path C:\Scripts\test.txt -type "file" -value "This is the contents" # New file New-Item -path C:\Scripts -name "newfolder" -type directory Copy-Item -path ".\test.txt" -destination ".\newfolder" # Same as Move-Item Rename-Item -path ".\test.txt" -newname ".\test2.txt" Remove-Item ".\test2.txt" # Similarly Test-Path returns a boolean Active directory is a server manager - useful to interact with powershell Use backticks (`) to do newlines similar to \ in shell Import-Module ActiveDirectory # Load all modules for running AD commands Get-ADUser frodo # Gets a user and all their basic info $user = Get-ADUser frodo; $user.Enabled # Set user info to a variable - pull specific value Set-ADUser -Identity frodo -SurName Tyler # Change properties of a user Add-ADGroupMember -Identity mygroup -Members frodo # Similarly Remove-ADGroupMember New-ADUser -Name "John Smith" -GivenName "John" -Surname "Smith" ` -SamAccountName "jsmith" -UserPrincipalName "" ` -Path "OU=Administration,OU=Staff,DC=org" \ -AccountPassword(ConverTo-SecureString "changeme" -AsPlainText -force) -Enabled $true Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity jsmith -Reset ` -NewPassword(ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "newchangeme" -force)
########################################################### 2024-01-16 13:15 ########################################################### Powershell Engineer... Learn Powershell Automation You can make a scheduled task - set for a specific time $trigger = New-ScheduleTaskTrigger -At 3pm -Daily $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "powershell.exe" ` -Argument "-File" "C:\Scripts\Test.ps2" $settins = NewScheduledTaskSettingsSet Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName "Test" ` -Description "Test connections to a website" -Settings $settings # Now open task scheduler - Library - At end of list Get-ScheduledTask # Lists table of tasks Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Test" | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Test" -Confirm:$false # Delete a scheduled task Scheduled jobs are more like cronjobs (run at intervals, even if system suspended) They are the same as tasks but just for running powershell code - tasks are "Windows" related $trigger = New-JobTrigger -Daily -At 3pm $scriptblock = { C:\Script\Test.ps1 } Register-ScheduledJob -Name "Test" -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Trigger $trigger Get-ScheduledJob -Name "Te*" | select Name, State # Get only specific values from wildcard Get-ScheduledJob -Name "Test" | Get-JobTrigger # Shows when this is run Unregister-ScheduledJob -Name "Test" Can use windows forms to create GUIs - make a Windows.Forms element Use something like PoshGUI to make UIs and export as powershell Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() $DiskSlimmerForm = New-Object system.Windwos.Forms.Form $DiskSlimmerForm.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(447,335) $DiskSlimmerForm.text = $FormTitleText $DiskSlimmerForm.TopMost = $false ... # Define labels, boxes, buttons etc. # Can also set buttons to react to clicks and change data $Button1.Add_Click({ $FirstName = $FirstNameTextBox.Text $Label1.text = "Hello, $FirstName" # Change label to contents of user input }) Can convert powershell to exe files - need ps2exe Install-Module -Name ps2exe Invoke-PS2EXE .\Script.ps1 .\Script.exe # Any shared files need to be kept with the exe Use chatgpt to generate powershell scripts for misc tasks
Powershell Engineer... Learn Powershell with AD Can run windows server inside VirtualBox - get Windows Server 2022 (register trial) Open Virtual box, New and edit settings to mount windows server ISO as CD Install with Desktop Experience - reboot and remove CD Input - Keyboard - CTRL-ALT-DELETE to login Manage - Add roles or features - Get "Active Directory Domain Services" - promote system Search for "Active Direcotry Users and Computers" - useful for managing users Now AD is installed you can manage it from command line Import-Module ActiveDirectory Get-Command -Module ActiveDirectory # List AD commands Make an organisational unit so you can group your objects (say DC="MyAD" New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "MyOrg" -Path "DC=MyAD,DC=org" # Refresh the "users and computers" page and this org unit should appear # Make a SubUnit by setting OU=MyOrg - do for Engineer, Staff, Students and StudentGroupA-D New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Staff" -Path "OU=MyOrg,DC=MyAD,DC=org" Now you want to make new users Get-Help New-ADUser # May have to update help New-ADUser -Name "John Smith" -SamAccountName "jsmith" -UserPrincipalName "" ` -Path "OU=StudentGroupA,OU=Students,OU=MyOrg,DC=MyAD,DC=org ` -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "mypassword" -AsPlainText -force) -Enabled $true # Change to "view - advanced features" to see "attribute editor" for users Get-ADUser -Identity "jsmith" Get-ADUser -Filter 'Enabled -eq $true' # Get all enabled users $ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity "jsmith" # Now that user is saved to a variable $ADUser.UserPrincipalName Get-ADUser -Identity "jsmith" | Select-Object Name,SamAccountName,UserPrincipalName Set-ADUser -Identity "jsmith" -Email ... -OfficePhone ... -Enabled:$false Can reset passwords by setting to a new value Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity "jsmith" -Reset ` -Newassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "newpassword" -AsPlainText -Force) Set-ADUser -Identity "jsmith" -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true Unlock-ADAccount -Identity "jsmith" Can make groups in powershell - Also note "path" means literally a tree of objects -> org If you don't add a path it just adds it to the "users" group New-ADGroup -Name "Team" -Path "OU=Students,OU=MyOrg,DC=MyAD,DC=org" -GroupScope Global Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Team" -Members "jsmith" $Group = Get-ADGroup -Identity "Team" Can use commands like ".ToLower()" and ".Substring(0,1)" to edit text
Powershell Engineer... Networking with Powershell Powershell is very useful for managing networking Test-Connection # Get object return of "ping" Test-Connection -ComputerName, # Test multiple targets ... -Delay 5 -Count 2 # Add 5 second delay between - and do 2 tests Test-NetConnection # Returns cleaner output (with stored data in object) ... -InformationLevel "Detailed" # Get more details $test = Test-NetConnection ... $test.PingReplyDetails.Buffer # Get more granular info on connection replies # Can do traceroutes tracert # Basic traceroute $test = Test-NetConnection -traceRoute # Traceroute as an object $test.TraceRoute[0] # Get first hop on the path ... -CommonTCPPort "http" # Test a specific port's connection $ports = 22,80 $ports | ForEach-Object { $port = $PSItem if(Test-NetConnection -Port $port) { Write-Host "This port $port is open!" } else { Write-Host "This port $port is closed!" } } Get IP information and config with NetAdapter Get-NetAdapter | Format-List Get-NetAdapter[0].MacAddress # Get MAC address of 1st interface $ipinfo = Get-NetIPConfiguration # Show network info $ipinfo[0].DNSServer # Get DNS server of the 1st interface ipconfig # Give basic overview of everything Resolve-DnsName | Format-List # See all DNS records for a server Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet # Get DNS servers for ethernet interface Clear-DnsClientCache -Confirm # Clear DNS cache
Powershell Engineer... Powershell System Management Powershell can be used to get info about the system $serverInfo = Get-ComputerInfo # Shows a long list of system properties $serverInfo.OsVersion # Print e.g. 10.0.20348 Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object -Property 'TimeZone' # Extract object property Manage processes and services: $procs = Get-Process # List processes (-Name = name filter, -Id = ID filter) $procs | Format-Table -Property Name, Id # Filter a table for only certain columns Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe" Stop-Process -Name "notepad" -Force # Kill process Get-Service # List all services Get-Service -Name "Print Spooler" # Get print spooler service Set-Service | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Running" } # Get all running services Stop-Service -Name "Print Spooler" # Open "services" and it's no longer running in there Start-Service -Name spooler # Can also do Restart-Service Manage storage: $CDrive = Get-Volume -DriveLetter C | Format-List # List info about the C storage drive $CDrive.SizeRemaining/1GB # Get storage remaining in GB Clear-RecycleBin -Drive C # Clear recycle bin
Powershell Engineer... File Management in Powershell Manage file systems: Get-ChildItem # Output contents of folder as object $acl = Get-Acl "C:\FILENAME" # Get all access permissions for a file $acl.Access | Format-List # Show SYSTEM, Admin and User access to a file # Change permissions of a file $permission = $Administrator","FullControl","Allow" $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $permission $acl.SetAccessRule($accessRule) # Change the acl object to apply new rules Set-Acl "C:\FILENAME" $acl # Apply new acl changes to the file # Get file sizes Get-ChildItem -Path "FILE_PATH" -Recurse -Force | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum # Environment variables $env:SystemRoot # Get variable stored under $env - "C:\Windows" Useful to test strings by comparison $string = "Hellow world" if($string -match "Hello") { Write-Output "Match found" } # Compare strings $newstring = $string -replace "Hello", "Hi" # Replace substrings Set-Content -Path "FILENAME" -Value "CONTENT" # Can do "Add-Content" to append $Fileinfo = Get-Content -Path "FILENAME"; $Fileinfo.Length # Get content and size of a file $FileInfo[0] # Gets the first line of the file $csvFile = Import-CSV -Path "FILENAME" # Can now access csv as an object Get-ComputerInfo | Export-CSV -Path "FILENAME" -NoTypeInformation # Save an object as csv $json = Get-Content -Path "FILENAME" -Raw $jsondata = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $json # Converts to object/table Get-NetAdapter | ConvertTo-Json | Out-Fle "FILENAME" # Can cast an object to a type like xml [xml]$xml_file = Get-Content FILENAME # Can now address it through child properties $xml_file.character.comedian[0] # Get subitems $ # Reexport to xml
########################################################### 2024-02-09 22:00 ########################################################### Norcal_posh... Automating Group Policy Management with Powershell Group policy is mostly routed in point-and-click - recent movements to powershell Desired state config ideal route for configuring servers - need automation tools for this First official Powershell interface for group prolicy was Invoke-GPUpdate (refresh policy) When doing high level powershell commands you need to manually find the registries of data # e.g. HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions [Ended early - OK but not very value detailed]
Norcal_posh... The Future of Windows Server Nano server is a headless 64-bit deployment for windows server - cloud based Remote management/automation with core powershell and WMI - powershell web access Core powershell is a smaller version of powershell with less tools - minimal system Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts" "IPADDR" # Add a trusted IP host Enter-PSSession -ComputerName HOSTNAME # Connect to remote server Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet # List commands available (minimal core powershell) # Basic language constructs like loops and piping still works Import-Module NetTCPIP -Verbose # install NetTCP packages Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | Format-Table InterfaceIndex, AddressFamily, ` IPAddress, InterfaceAlias # Show IP info Get-PSProvider # Works as expected - all essentials are installed Get-PSDrive # Show drives on system Exit-PSSession # Disconnect [Again little value - skipped through and nothing of significance]