########################################################### 2024-01-04 17:00 ########################################################### Devops Toolkit... Amazon Lightsail Containers Amazon Lightsail is essentially a simple way of making VMs, services, containers etc. # Make a basic lightsail VM aws lightsail create-container-service --serice-name devops-toolkit \ --power micro --scale 1 --output yaml aws lightsail get-container-services --output yaml Find out structure of yaml file and make it aws lightsail create-container-service-deployment --generate-cli-skeleton yaml-input # devops-toolkit-2.7.0.yaml serviceName: devops-toolkit containers: devops-toolkit: image: vfarcic/devops-toolkit-series:2.7.0 ports: "80": HTTP publicEndpoint: containerName: devops-toolkit containerPort: 80 # Create container using yaml aws lightail create-container-service-deployment --output yaml \ --cli-input-yaml file://devops-toolkit-2.7.0.yaml # Delete container aws lightsail delete-container-service --service devops-toolkit --output yaml
Devops Toolkit... AWS Lambda Containers Just as a note, looking at case studies for companies is very interesting Go on and scroll down AWS lambda runs functions packages as zip files - can it run containers as a service? So take a git repo with a Go function and a Dockerfile to build it # Dockerfile FROM AS build # Builds it with lambda COPY main.go . RUN go get -d -v RUN CGO_ENABLE=0 GOOS=linux go build -o app FROM # Runs the code with lambda COPY --from=build /go/app ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} CMD ["app"] Cannot run arbitrary images - only images that have lambda function capabilities Now you want to establish that it works locally docker image build --tag lambda-container-demo:0.0.1 $PWD docker container run --publish 9000:8080 lambda-container-demo:0.0.1 curl "http://localhsot:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" \ -d '{"name": "Viktor"}' && echo # Sends data to same style endpoint as lambda Once this works, upload it to a repository (say, AWS ECR - elastic container registry) # Create the container registry aws ecr create-repository --repository-name lambda-container-demo \ --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true export REPO_URI=... # Store the given repository URL, as rather complex # Need to authenticate docker for pushing iamges aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $REPO_URI # Need to tag with name of the registry docker image tag lambda-container-demo:0.0.1 $REPO_URI:0.0.1 # Tag version docker image push $REPO_URI:0.0.1 # Push to AWS ECS Now test it to see if it works - go on AWS website, Lambda, New, From container image Then select the container and "Create function" Add a trigger: API Gateway -> HTTP API + Open. Now should be accessible publicly export PAYLOAD=$(echo '{"name": "Viktor"}' | base64) # Store payload in http supported form aws lambda invoke --function-name lambda-container-demo --payload $PAYLOAD response.json cat response.json; echo # Should show the actual output
########################################################### 2024-01-16 21:00 ########################################################### Data Science Garage... First AWS Lambda Function Open AWS Console - Lambda - Create Function - From scratch - Runtime=python3.9 Execution role configures connectivity to other services - use defaults, for simple function # lambda_function import json def lambda_handler(event, context): # Generic structure of lambda functions print("This is my AWS lambda function") if event["planet"] == "Earth": return "Moon" elif event["planet"] == "Sun": return "Not a planet" else: return "We do not recognise your input" # Now press "deploy" - then "test" with: { "planet": "Earth" } (event argument)
Data Science Garage... Install Jenkins on AWS EC2 Go on EC2 - Launch - Linux 2Mi t2 micro - default config/storage - tag=Jenkins For security group, add HTTP TCP 80 and Custom TCP 8080 Launch and create keypair (to connect with terminal - download keypair) Wait till "Running" - Select and "connect" - opens a terminal page in browser yum update -y # Update all packages - likely need to elevate to root first wget -I JENKINS_REPO; rpm --import JENKINS_TRUSTKEY yum install java-1.8.0 -y # Install java amazon-linux-extras install epel # Install epel packages on system yum install jenkins -y; service jenkins start Open AWS S3 info age - copy "public IPv4 DNS" and open "URL:8080" to view Jenkins cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword # Get unlock password
########################################################### 2024-01-17 09:30 ########################################################### Travis Media... Develop AWS Lambda Functions Locally in VS Code AWS serverless app model (SAM) is serverless shorthand converted to CloudFormation code Insall SAM CLI, Docker desktop, authenticate AWS (can use MFA) sam init # Create quick template - queries for lambda config # template.yaml = main config generated by init - manages gateway etc but can simplify AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Resources: AWS:AddDebugConfiguration HelloWorldFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: hello_workd/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.9 # hello_workd/ import json def lambda_handler(event, context): return { "statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps({ "message": "hello world", }), } # events/event.json (test event values you can run locally) { # Extract values in python with e.g. event["first_name"] "first_name": "Travis", "last_name": "Media", "message": "Good morning", } Can build contents of function locally (can zip this and upload to lambda) sam build # Creates build/ sam deploy --guided # Push up to AWS (Y to save args to config) When you deploy, it makes 2 cloudformation stacks: the function and "sam-cli-managed" "sam-cli-managed" is an s3 bucket for SAM artifacts - all deployments added here As you update locally it updates change sets upstream sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction -e events/event.json # Test function in Docker sam deploy # Shows what changes and updates app sam delete # Delete online resources sam delete-stack --stack-name sam-app # Should delete local resources # samconfig.toml (simplifies deploy process version = 0.1 [default] [default.deploy] [default.deploy.parameters] stack_name = "sam-app" s3_buckt = "aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-..." s3_prefix = "sam-app" region = "us-east-1" confirm_changeset = true capabilities = "CAPABILITY_IAM"
Travis Media... Using Python to Automate AWS Services We need automation to tag new EC2 instances with whoever creates it EC2 made -> rule in eventbridge runs -> triggers lambda runction -> tags EC2 Start with lambda: create function "TagEC2Instance" in python - make blank test Running a test creates a log group (so now you have log details needed) Create cloud trail (for eventbridge): create "my-trail" and store logs in S3 (with logs) Create event bridge: create rule (EC2launch) and enable rule Event pattern = EC2 - "AWS API call via cloudtrail" ("EC2 state trail" lacks user info) Specific operation = "RunInstances" - sets up an event pattern for you If you make an EC2 instance - go in cloudtrail and you can see a "runinstances" log for this Target = "lambda function" - "TagEC2Instance" - create rule. Should add trigger on lambda Boto3 is the AWS SDK for python - in lambda functions this is already there # Lambda function: import boto3 ec2 = boto3.client("ec2") # Look at documentation for boto3 ec2 methods def lambda_handler(event, context): # event = all info cloudformation gives you user = event["detail"]["userIdentity"]["userName"] instanceId = event["detail"]["responseElements"]["instancesSet"]["items"][0]["instanceId"] ec2.create_tags( resources=[ instanceId ], Tags=[{ "Key": "Owner", "Value": user }] ) return # Deploy this and launch - now responds to EC2 instances being made If this doesn't work, the issue is permissions of the lambda function on EC2 Go in configuration - permissions - Role page - Edit policy - add permission - EC2 Then approve "tagging - create tags" on call resources
Travis Media... AWS Networking Basics VPC (virtual private cloud) isolates resources inside it - Go to AWS VPC Create VPC - "VPC only" - IPv4 CIDR (last 2 octets free) Within VPC you have subnets (ranges of IPs): public and private Create Subnet - VPC ID (from dropdown) - "PublicSubnet" and (last octet free) Also make "PrivateSubnet" and Create EC2 instance (launch) - t2micro - use keypair - edit net and use public subnet Auto assign IP - Set security group name (virtual firewall for port traffic) But subnet is not public yet - need gateway (just links networks - here linking to internet) Go in VPC settings - Create internet gateway - Attach to VPC - Now need to route subnet Route tables allow data out to public gateway (by default you have basic local routetable) Create route tables (pub/priv) - Edit associations and link each route tables to their subnet In route table - Routes - edit - add "" with internet gateway - NOW EC2 public Now launch an EC2 instance in private subnet (with new security group) Can ssh from publicEC2 to privateEC2 (use ssh keys for each - just copy from local machine) ssh -i KEY ec2-user@ # SSH from -> # But cannot do things like update packages as there is no internet access Can fix this by adding a NAT gateway (network address translation) Link private route table to NAT gateway, which is in the public subnet Subnets - Create NAT gateway - put in public - allocate IP (takes some time to run) In private route table - edit - add "" and routetable Can now reach internet from inside private subnet, but not other way around NACL (network access control) protects subnet - stateless virtual firewall for subnet Most people keep this default, but can use it to block IPs Security groups protect EC2 instance - stateful firewall allowing 2-way traffic